
Frequent questions

Very simple! You must complete the registration form and within a maximum period of 24 hours, you will receive access confirmation by email.

You just have to enter the platform with your username and password and choose the products and quantities you need. Then, you submit the quote request and make the payment. And that's how simple the process is!

Follow the steps in our instructional video

Como comprar Armazones y Gafas de Diseñador

On your first purchase, you must place an order of at least 36 units. Starting next, you will no longer have this restriction.

No. You can place the order with the volume you need.

Only registered users will be able to access the exclusive prices of the online catalog. Otherwise, the prices will not be visible to you.

We ship to all of Latin America.

All products published in our catalog are in US dollars.

Shipping times depend on each country. Below, we detail the average times we handle for each location.

All products in our catalog are 100% original and direct from the factory.